The Jonah Doll

Every year I would work on our annual Coacha event. The themes, designs, content, and special guests all for one glorious day to spend together. It was some of the most hectic times, but man how great to see something you pour your brain into and watch it unfold. It was the ultimate storytelling.
One of my very favorite things to do was have custom Swag of my handsome brother Jones to throw into the crowd. “Jonah Jelly”. It was a term I had made up when I used to know how to use Snapchat. A way for me to talk some ish to my brother Jonah. One year my plan was to simply have a stuffed Jonah Doll. It sounded easy peazy, until we got the quotes back on the cost. You’d imagine that buying bulk custom stuffed dolls wouldn’t be that spendy, but I was wrong. You see the thing is, sometimes you get these beautiful ideas a little too late in the game, and there’s a price to everything- especially last minute things. Although we didn’t get to order the mass quantity Jonah Doll, we did get a sample. So we took the sample, photographed the image and turned it into a Snapchat filter for the day of the event. We even created an IG page for the doll and snapped all day from the vantage point of the Jonah Doll.
I have Jonah Doll chillin in my home office. A reminder of the good ol’ days, but really a reminder that no matter how late to the game the idea- it never hurts to push for something you think is cool (especially if you’re the only one). True we didn’t get the dolls made, but even more true is the fact that we got to include a lot more people in the fun by making it a usable filter instead. Cheers to all the dreamers out there that procrastinate.