Cover Your Heart Indy!

Cover Your Heart Indy!

I can’t tell you how old I was when I laid my eyes on the iconic Indiana Jones, but I do know it was in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. What a dope movie. So bitchin, from start to finish. I was living on the dairy farm at the time, I can’t tell you when or what, but I know how- VHS. Pop that bad boy into your VCR, maybe do a little adjusting, and hope that you don’t have to rewind it. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. It was the first movie I ever loved. Still to this day I could watch that movie anytime, anywhere, please let's watch it one more time.

Indiana Jones was the first character that ever stuck in my brain. You couldn’t help but want to be him. His whole demeanor was on another level, like nothing I’d ever seen- I was only 3 when the movie came to theaters, couldn’t have been more than 5 or 6 but honestly it doesn’t matter, what matters is that this movie impacted me in a way that no movie had ever done before. After watching it, I would immediately want to rewind it and watch it again. Watching these scenes that stay with you forever - the inflatable raft airplane drop through the snowy mountainside all the way to the river - fresh monkey brains - cover your heart Indy! Man, what an adventure. 

I found this original movie poster for the film at an auction online. I’m not sure how much I paid for it, but I did win the auction, and I can tell you one things for sure- The framing cost way more than the poster. But that doesn’t matter, the point is, this poster is a reminder for me. A reminder of something that I love. To be entertained. To be so engulfed in a world that you don’t care that its the kid from Goonies, or the dude from Star Wars. To be so captivated by story that you find yourself memorizing scenes and quoting lines. “Indy was the dogs name!” Listen, if you have yet to watch this classic film, do yourself a kindness and drop everything, rush to your entertainment device and download this beast. You won’t regret it.